Real estate agents, it's time to get back to work!

After months of reviewing policy changes, settlements, updated forms, and agendas, it's now time to get into action. The fear of the unknown is real, and for many folks in this industry, we've had that fear. We’ve seen it freeze some agents to the point where they just don't know what to do. They're so concerned about the changes that they don't do anything.

The best way to combat fear is to actually get into action. Once you pick up the phone, start texting, or begin having conversations, that fear slowly diminishes. What we are suggesting to all of our agents, and agents in the industry, is that now is the time to get into action. Let's pick up the phone, let's get into our database, our sphere of influence, our past clients, our current clients, or anybody who knows, likes, and trusts us.

This is our opportunity to combine what we've discussed over the last few months while at the same time getting into action and building our business.

You can start by opening with a script: "Has anybody taken the time to discuss some of the changes we've seen in the real estate industry?" Or, "Have you heard about some of the recent changes to the real estate industry?" Then ask them, "Well, what have you heard?" and let them talk. Ultimately, they'll provide some information they’ve heard, which gives you the ability to clarify what the changes have been and how they are going to affect them.

Once you get through that conversation, you know what they'll do? They're going to ask you, "How is the market?" This is your opportunity to explain what is currently going on. If you're a buyer, we all know that for the last 12 weeks, we've seen interest rates continue to decline, which has helped affordability. At the same time, we're seeing more properties on the market. Our total month's supply is up to 3.5 months here in Worcester County. When there are more opportunities and properties are sitting a little longer, that ultimately creates affordability and opportunities for buyers.

At the same time, sellers are still in a great position depending on where they are in the marketplace and what their property is. They can sell at the pinnacle of the market.

So, if I had any advice for my agents, our agents within the company, or our colleagues, it’s this: It's time to get back to work and get into action!