Interested or committed? That is a question that many real estate agents need to be asking themselves over the course of the next couple of weeks. Gone are the days of just being interested. With all the changes that we've seen in the real estate market, as well as a reduction in the total number of transactions, an interested agent isn't going to cut it. You owe more to your clients by being actually committed as opposed to interested.

In the next couple of weeks, we are going to be entering business planning season. This is that time of year where many of us are reflecting on what happened in 2024 and envisioning what we want 2025 to look like. I think it's extremely crucial to spend time doing that, but I want to give you some advice: don't get too hung up on dreaming about 2025. Rather, let's get committed to getting into action on a daily basis.

2025 starts today. What you do for the next 90 days is going to ensure that you have a great holiday season, not worrying about where your next deal is going to come from. It's also going to springboard you into 2025.

My actual action tip for you is to start doing your 5-5-4s. That's right! Every day, you're committed to coming into the office and having five conversations with people you already know, five conversations with people you do not know (maybe calling around your successes—you just sold a neighbor's house, calling a neighbor and letting them know about what you did for the other neighbor and how successful you were at selling their property), and then wrapping up with four follow-up calls to people you've already talked to but need to follow up with to determine where they're at with their goals for moving forward with real estate.

So, that is my suggestion: get into action. Let's make the rest of 2024 a success and 2025 an even bigger year!